Tinnitus does not have an official cure or even an FDA approved treatment for that matter. But there are many things you can do to seek relief. Here they are below.

  1. Check for hearing loss90% of Tinnitus patients also suffer from hearing loss. You can have hearing loss and still be able to hear most things. But, diagnosing hearing loss and then wearing hearing aids to prevent a progression of hearing loss can help you keep your Tinnitus from getting worse. It can also help you seek relief and sometimes even potentially resolve Tinnitus
  2. Check your Vitamin and Mineral Levels – Several vitamin and mineral deficiencies have been linked to Tinnitus. Vitamins B, D and critical minerals like Zinc, Folate and Magnesium are all linked to the ringing in your ears. Read this detailed post we wrote about vitamins, minerals and their connection to Tinnitus
  3. Try Tinnitus Stop Tricks – From gently pulling on your ear to tapping on the back of your skull, there are stop Tinnitus tricks that can give you Tinnitus relief, albeit just temporarily. Even if the relief lasts just a few minutes, it can be quite satisfying if you have persistent Tinnitus that never takes a break
  4. Avoid sinus infections – While you can’t always avoid sinus infections, you must be extra careful to not catch an infection that can affect your sinuses. Why? Because your sinuses are connected to your ears, through something called a Eustachian Tube. When the Eustachian tube is blocked, it can lead to a worsening or sometimes even an onset of Tinnitus. This is the reason why many people complain that their Tinnitus got worse or started after a bad sinus infection. Here’s another related article about Tinnitus and allergies.
  5. Try Neuromodulation – Neuromodulation is nothing but a process where a medical device is used to stimulate two neurological pathways at the same time. The goal here is to help your brain focus less on Tinnitus. While it won’t take your Tinnitus away, it will make it much more manageable. Lenire is the most popular neuromodulation device available as a Tinnitus treatment. You can learn more about it a Tinnitus breakthrough treatment here
  6. Try a Tinnitus Masking Device – A Tinnitus masking device is an electronic device like over the ear headphones or earbuds that play a masking sound to help you drown out Tinnitus. White noise or the sound of rain or wind can help you ignore Tinnitus. You can read more about how masking devices can help with Tinnitus
  7. Habituate to Tinnitus – While this may sound like something you don’t really want to do; habituation is one of the most effective ways of coping with your Tinnitus. Once you learn to not focus on your Tinnitus, it can fade away into the background, letting you live stress-free. Here are our top 10 Tinnitus habituation tips
  8. Address Magnesium Deficiency – Magnesium deficiency has been closely linked to Tinnitus occurrence and severity. A deficiency of this mineral excites the neurological system, increases blood pressure and also lowers your body’s natural protection system against loud noise. All of this can then negatively impact your Tinnitus. Learn more about the Tinnitus Magnesium connection here
  9. Address Diabetes – High blood sugar levels cause your blood to thicken. This then makes it harder for blood to reach your ears, depriving it of oxygen and nutrients. Chronic diabetes also causes nerve death and unfavourable changes in ear fluid composition. All of this can exacerbate tinnitus. Learn more about the Tinnitus diabetes connection here
  10. Address Depression – The American Tinnitus Association estimates that up to 78% of people with depression also suffer from Tinnitus. While Tinnitus doesn’t have a treatment, depression does. And addressing depression can in turn help you with your Tinnitus condition. Depression is usually treated by anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. But one should also know that such medication is usually ototoxic in nature. Ototoxic medicines are those that can make your ear health worse, potentially worsening Tinnitus. You can however be careful about taking medications that are not very ototoxic. Learn more about it here
  11. Try an herbal tea – Some herbal teas containing ingredients like ginkgo biloba, lavender and other herbs can help provide Tinnitus relief. Though such relief is usually temporary, it can allow someone with a constant ringing in their ears to find some reprieve that they usually find very rewarding. Here’s a post we wrote about the best herbal teas for Tinnitus
  12. Get tested for Aneurysms, if you have Pulsatile Tinnitus – Pulsatile Tinnitus is the type of Tinnitus that is rhythmic with your heartbeat or your pulse. Unlike the more common subjective Tinnitus, pulsatile tinnitus can be heard by others when they go close to your ear. Pulsatile Tinnitus is usually caused by aneurysms or other physical anomalies that cause the flow of turbulent blood. They are usually detected in imaging studies. Talk to your doctor about an MRI, if you have pulsatile Tinnitus. Learn more about pulsatile Tinnitus and aneurysms here
  13. Address Anemia – Anemia which you might know as iron deficiency can cause Tinnitus. Anemia can cause both subjective Tinnitus and pulsatile Tinnitus
  14. Stay hydrated – Something as simple as dehydration can cause Tinnitus. And if you are someone who is chronically dehydrated, there is very little chance that your Tinnitus will ever resolve. Learn more about dehydration and Tinnitus here
  15. Check your Vitamin D levels – Vitamin D or the sunshine vitamin plays a very crucial role in ear health. If you are vitamin D deficient, like a majority of people are, it could be making your Tinnitus worse. Vitamin D is thankfully easily supplemented and healthy levels of this vitamin can potentially help your Tinnitus resolve or fade. Learn more about Vitamin D deficiency and Tinnitus here
  16. Follow a Tinnitus diet – What is a Tinnitus diet? It’s just a healthy diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits and unprocessed foods. High amounts of salts, alcohol or fats can definitely worsen Tinnitus. Does your Tinnitus get worse after you eat a bag of chips? You now know why! Learn more about Tinnitus after eating, here
  17. Reduce stress – Stress and Tinnitus is a vicious cycle. Please try to go to great lengths to reduce the amount of stress in your life. You will be rewarded with a lesser intensity Tinnitus. Exercising more, worrying less and finding things to help you stay positive and upbeat will all reduce stress and potentially Tinnitus. Learn more about Tinnitus, stress and anxiety here
  18. Try reflexology – There are reflexology points on your feet and palms that can provide Tinnitus relief, albeit temporarily. Here is more information on reflexology points for Tinnitus
  19. Try acupuncture – Acupuncture is another alternative treatment that has provided Tinnitus relief. Small studies have shown that acupuncture treatments conducted over 15 sessions were able to halve the intrusiveness of Tinnitus. Learn more about acupuncture for Tinnitus here
  20. Get your Thyroid levels checked out – Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause, worsen or keep your Tinnitus from going away. Correcting your thyroid levels is rather easy. Besides potentially giving you Tinnitus relief, thyroid treatment, should you need it, can also greatly improve your general health, wellbeing and energy levels. Learn more about the thyroid and tinnitus connection here
  21. Take a Ginkgo Biloba supplement – This ancient CTM (Chinese Traditional Medicine) herb has been proven to reduce the intrusiveness of Tinnitus. We wrote a detailed post about Ginkgo Biloba Tinnitus treatment here
  22. Try Tinnitus exercises – There are several breathing and neck exercises that can provide Tinnitus relief. Most of these exercises reduce stress and anxiety levels that can in turn give your Tinnitus a chance to fade. Learn about 17 Tinnitus exercises here
  23. Tinnitus Yoga – Yes, there are specific asanas that can promote ear health, potentially giving you Tinnitus relief. Some of these downward dog and triangle poses that you might already know about. It’s time to put them to use. Here’s an illustrated post we wrote about Tinnitus yoga
  24. Check Vitamin B12 Levels – Vitamin B12 deficiency has been very strongly linked with Tinnitus. Vitamin B12 is responsible for red blood cell production. And it’s your body’s red blood cells that carry oxygen to the nervous system. Deficiency therefore means a less than optimal supply of oxygen to your nervous system. Vegans and vegetarians are most likely to suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency, which can then cause Tinnitus. You can also learn about Benfotiamine for Tinnitus. Benfotiamine is a popular supplement used to replenish deficient Vitamin B levels in the bod
  25. Get Excess Ear Wax Removed – Something as simple as hardened or impacted ear wax can cause a case of Tinnitus. If you have the habit of going to town with a Q-tip, you could actually be pushing down ear wax close to your ear drums, where it can harden and then cause Tinnitus and hearing problems. Learn more about Tinnitus and ear wax
  26. Fix your clenched jaw – Did you know that problems like a clenched jaw, teeth grinding, and a stuck neck can cause Tinnitus. This happens because your jaw is anchored by a tendon that is housed close to your ears. It’s called the TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint. Read about clenched jaw and Tinnitus Such a condition is where a Chiropractor can help with your Tinnitus. Also related is this article about how wisdom teeth can cause Tinnitus.

James Morrison

I met with my Tinnitus fate after exposing my ears to the eerie howl of a World War II air raid siren. For 2 years, the bell like ringing took a toll on my mental and physical health. Stress, anxiety, fatigue, worry and sleeplessness, A vicious circle that pushed me to the brink. But, after 2 years, I was finally able to make the ringing in my ears go away. I accomplished this through a series of lifestyle changes, supplementation and a deep understanding of my Tinnitus condition. This blog is my way of reaching out to people who are struggling with the T. With very carefully researched advice, tips, news and information on all things Tinnitus, I aim to give you the information you need to help you help yourself. If you would like to make a donation to this website, however small, please contact me through the contact us page and I shall send you my PayPal details. I'll be very grateful for your donation that I will use to keep this site hosted, updated and helpful.