Can acupuncture sessions help alleviate or treat the ringing in your ears? Have studies proven it? Is acupuncture for Tinnitus safe? Where can you get acupuncture that is performed by trained and licensed professionals? Let’s explore.

Does Acupuncture Provide Tinnitus Relief?

A number of studies and papers have been published on the effectiveness of acupuncture as a Tinnitus treatment. The general consensus by the medical community however is that there is no compelling evidence for it to be recommended as a preferred or ideal form of treatment.

What is Your Tinnitus Handicap Score?

Calculate your THI Score in about 2-3 Minutes

For example, the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) examined 35 papers investigating acupuncture as a Tinnitus treatment and concluded that the scientific methods used for evaluation were poor, non-standardized or both. But, the BTA also mentioned that it would support additional research to investigate the potential of acupuncture as a treatment for Tinnitus, as some studies seemed promising.

That brings us to research that has voted in favor of acupuncture as a treatment for Tinnitus. This credible study examined a small group of people who received acupuncture for 3 weeks. After 15 sessions, the participants’ Tinnitus intrusiveness scores went down from 49.1 to 24.82.

Acupuncture may or may not provide you Tinnitus relief. But, it is a fairly safe modality to try. Considering that Tinnitus has no official cure, it is something you can definitely explore to seek relief. That brings us to the next concern about acupuncture for Tinnitus. How safe is it?

How Severe is Your Tinnitus?

Find out by using this THI (Tinnitus Handicap Inventory) Scoring Calculator

Is Acupuncture for Tinnitus Safe?

The NCCIH (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health) is a government funded Federal organization. They have claimed that acupuncture is “generally considered safe” if it is performed by certified, licensed and experienced practitioners who use sterile disposable needles.

That being said, there are some demographics that must avoid acupuncture as a treatment for Tinnitus or any other ailment for that matter. They are;

Who should avoid acupuncture treatment for Tinnitus?

  • Pregnant women
  • Anyone with a pacemaker
  • People who are on blood thinners
  • Affected by bleeding/clotting disorders such as hemophilia

How to Find a Professional Acupuncture Practitioner for your Tinnitus Treatment?

As mentioned earlier, it is vital that you receive acupuncture treatment only from a licensed, certified and preferably experienced professional.

Please also note that there’s a difference between being just certified and being certified and licensed. When a practitioner is only certified, it could just mean that they have taken a 100 hour course on acupuncture. However, when they are also licensed, it will usually mean that they have exponentially more experience than certified professionals.

Here are resources where you can find professional acupuncture practitioners who are recognized and monitored by an organization. Acupuncture practitioners in the USA. And, in the UK.

And, don’t feel shy to quiz a practitioner before you lie on their table? How many years of experience do you have? Have you treated Tinnitus before? Has your treatment worked? These are all questions you must ask.

How does Acupuncture for Tinnitus Work?

Acupuncture is a very popular TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) method. It relies on the assumption that energy constantly flows through the body. This energy, Qi, travels through pathways known as Meridians. Blocks or bottlenecks in these pathways can lead to a number of physical and mental disorders.

Needling and stimulating specific acupuncture points allows blocked energy to flow again. Needling essentially stimulates the nervous system and a number of chemicals and hormones are released to help the body repair itself.

In a typical session, anywhere between 5 to as many as 30 needles will be inserted into your body. The practitioner may then circle the needle to stimulate the point or just leave it inserted. Needles are usually let to sit for 10 to 30 minutes. Sometimes, a very small electrical current may be passed through them. They may also be heated.

If acupuncture for Tinnitus works, it should provide relief after just one or few sessions.

What are the Needle Points for Tinnitus Treatment?

Different practitioners use different points. Some practitioners link Tinnitus to kidney and liver dysfunction. In such cases, they will concentrate on your abdomen. Most practitioners will however focus on the area in and around your ears. In recent times, the balance method of acupuncture has been gaining momentum. In this acupuncture style, the practitioner targets the knees, elbow and also the ear area of the person suffering from Tinnitus.

Never allow an acupuncture practitioner to enter a needle directly into your ear canal!

Could Acupuncture Just Provide a Placebo Effect?

Some scientists and researchers have said that acupuncture could merely be providing a placebo effect. This theory suggests that the patient feels better because they ‘think’ the treatment has helped. There’s also some evidence that acupuncture releases serotonin, epinephrine and dopamine, all feel good chemicals. Perhaps these releases reduce stress and anxiety that then allow the Tinnitus sufferer to feel better. Either way, it could still be worth a try as Tinnitus is a mentally debilitating condition more than anything else. It doesn’t matter if you believe you are feeling better, as long as you are feeling better!

If your Tinnitus is going away, you will typically experience these signs that Tinnitus is going away.

If acupuncture for Tinnitus interested you, you will probably find these posts helpful as well; Does hypnosis work for Tinnitus relief? Can you meditate to find Tinnitus relief?

James Morrison

I met with my Tinnitus fate after exposing my ears to the eerie howl of a World War II air raid siren. For 2 years, the bell like ringing took a toll on my mental and physical health. Stress, anxiety, fatigue, worry and sleeplessness, A vicious circle that pushed me to the brink. But, after 2 years, I was finally able to make the ringing in my ears go away. I accomplished this through a series of lifestyle changes, supplementation and a deep understanding of my Tinnitus condition. This blog is my way of reaching out to people who are struggling with the T. With very carefully researched advice, tips, news and information on all things Tinnitus, I aim to give you the information you need to help you help yourself. If you would like to make a donation to this website, however small, please contact me through the contact us page and I shall send you my PayPal details. I'll be very grateful for your donation that I will use to keep this site hosted, updated and helpful.