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Tinnitus doesn’t have an FDA approved cure or treatment. But, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things you can do to self-treat the condition. Below, we will introduce you to 26 different ways with which you can try to deal with your Tinnitus. Putting these guidelines to use will definitely allow you to at least find some relief with your Tinnitus, if not even completely resolving it for you. If anything, these tips will definitely prevent your Tinnitus from getting worse, something that happens all the time! Also, find out if your Tinnitus is permanent or temporary. Use our site’s search bar to learn more about the 26 different tips mentioned here. We get into a lot more detail if you want to learn more about Tinnitus relief! Here’s a guide on pharmacological treatments available for Tinnitus as well. Depending on what may have caused your Tinnitus, a pharmacological treatment may be a more straightforward way to treat Tinnitus, over natural methods.

How to Deal with Tinnitus? 26 Tips!

  1. Try to habituate first – Tinnitus is almost impossible to overcome when you are constantly fighting it. While you can definitely try to work on your Tinnitus, you must first learn to habituate to it. By simply resisting the urge to fight it constantly, you will actually give the other 25 tips suggested here a chance to work! Here are ten Tinnitus habituation tips to get started!
  2. Find out if you will benefit from hearing aids – Did you know that over 90% of Tinnitus sufferers also suffer from some sort of hearing loss? Hearing loss can confuse the brain into thinking that your ears aren’t working, causing it to invent noises. Caught early, hearing loss induced Tinnitus can be addressed by the use of hearing aids. You will have to visit an audiologist to see if you will be a good candidate for hearing aids
  3. Check for impacted ear wax – Impacted or hardened ear wax could be the reason behind your Tinnitus. Hardened ear wax can press against the eardrum and cause it to malfunction, with Tinnitus being one of the side effects. Hydrogen peroxide solutions or a visit to the ENT can fix this problem in a jiffy for you
  4. Protect your ears against loud noise – If you have Tinnitus, there’s a good chance that you have sensitive ears. It is therefore imperative that you protect your ears against loud noises. Avoid noisy environments or wear volume-normalizing ear plugs in noisy environments. Protecting against loud noises is also important because loud noise is a leading Tinnitus trigger
  5. Stabilize your blood pressure – High or even low blood pressure can make it difficult for your heart to pump blood to your ears. Your ears rely on oxygen and minerals like sodium and potassium to function properly, all of which are supplied by blood. Correcting erratic blood pressure levels with medication, dietary or lifestyle changes can sometimes bring profound Tinnitus relief
  6. Check for Magnesium Deficiency – Magnesium deficiency overexcites your nervous system. If you are Mg deficient, a supplement can do wonders for the ringing in your ears
  7. Avoid sinus allergies – Did you know that sinusitis, sinus allergies or even the common cold can aggravate your Tinnitus? It happens because there’s a narrow tube that runs from your sinus cavities to your ears. This tube is responsible for equalizing air pressure in your ears. Allergies and colds can clog this tube causing ear malfunction that can then result in Tinnitus. So, do what you can to avoid those allergies! Learn more about Tinnitus after a sinus infection.
  8. Learn about Ototoxic Medicines– Oto means ears. Toxic of course means bad. Ototoxic medicines then of course are those medicines that are harmful for your ears, potentially worsening your Tinnitus. NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, Aspirin and many antidepressants like Xanax and Wellbutrin are quite ototoxic. Talk to your doctor about alternative medication if you take any of these regularly
  9. Perform Tinnitus Yoga! – Simple poses like the Triangle pose, Downward Facing Dog, Camel and Cobra poses can potentially relieve your Tinnitus, by promoting better blood flow to the ears
  10. Get more Vitamin D – The sunshine Vitamin has the ability to dramatically improve muscle and bone health in your ears. Yes, your ears have tiny muscles and bones that need to be in great shape if you want to avoid problems like Tinnitus
  11. Up your Vitamin B12 Levels – Almost everyone is Vitamin B12 deficient. Correcting this vitamin’s levels will increase red blood cell production which will bring more nutrients to your ears, potentially resolving ear ringing for you
  12. Get more iron in your diet – Are you anemic? Being anemic will accelerate cell death in your ear’s cochlea. And, this type of cell death is usually permanent! Get those iron levels up, pronto!
  13. Add turmeric to your recipes – Curcumin in turmeric has the ability to protect your ears against loud noise damage. It also offers protection against ototoxic medicines. Add turmeric to your recipes or take a Curcumin supplement for an added layer of ear protection
  14. Sleep better – Sleeping better is easier said than done, especially when you have an annoying ringing in your ears. But, even slightly increased sleep quality can greatly lessen the intensity of your Tinnitus. Practice good sleep hygiene and invest time, effort and money into getting better sleep. It will be well worth it when your Tinnitus is more manageable
  15. Cut out added sugars – Love sugary foods? Going off them will allow your blood to become thinner. Sugar also excites your nervous system which is really bad when you have Tinnitus. Cut back on sugars and see how your ringing quietens down
  16. Manage your stress – It is estimated that almost 78% of Tinnitus sufferers sufferers also have stress, anxiety or depression. Practice meditation, habituation and mindfulness to dial back the stress which can otherwise keep making your Tinnitus worse. Drinking a Tinnitus tea is also a great way to manage stress and anxiety caused by Tinnitus. You must particularly try to address depression as depression can worsen Tinnitus.
  17. Cigarettes are a No-No! – Do you smoke? You might want to quit, cold turkey, asap. Nicotine is a neurotransmitter blocker and it also irritates your inner ear’s delicate lining, both of which can have a profound effect on your Tinnitus
  18. Drink more water – Dehydration deteriorates the quality of your inner ear fluid, lubrication and even causes ear muscles to spasm, all of which can lead to or aggravate Tinnitus
  19. Lower your salt intake – Salty foods constrict blood vessels. When blood vessels are constricted, blood supply to the ears is compromised as your heart focuses on sending blood to vital organs first. And, you guessed it, your ear isn’t a vital organ, at least according to a heart that is under stress
  20. Throw away artificial sweeteners – Think you are playing it smart by using Equal or another sugar-free sweetener? Think again. Sugar substitutes greatly overexcite your nervous system and that’s the last thing you need when you have Tinnitus
  21. Love seasoning mixes? It’s time to ditch them, forever! – Seasoning mixes are a great way to quickly spice up your recipes. But, they don’t do your Tinnitus any good. They too overstimulate your auditory nerve
  22. Cut back on alcohol – Dial back on the amount of alcohol you consume. Excessive alcohol constricts the tiny capillaries leading to your ears, making blood flow difficult. Alcohol in your blood stream can also leak into your inner ear fluid. Lastly, definitely don’t drink before bedtime as alcohol greatly reduces sleep quality, even if it seems like it makes you sleepy
  23. Get your Thyroid checked out – Thyroid levels influence the production of a hormone called Aldosterone. Aldosterone is linked to hearing problems, problems that include Tinnitus
  24. Try to Habituate to Tinnitus – Are you constantly trying to fight off Tinnitus with your mind? It will only make the ringing more profound. Instead of trying to mentally fight off the ringing, try to habituate or live with it, until it actually goes away or fades into the background
  25. Ginkgo Biloba could help – This Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has shown promising results for Tinnitus sufferers. It offers a dual benefit by thinning blood, making it easier to reach the ears. It also prevent cochlear cell damage
  26. Attend to jaw problems – Have a nagging problem with your jaw? Bruxism or teeth grinding or clenched jaw problems and Tinnitus might be very related. Attend to jaw problems and it might just result in Tinnitus relief!

So, there you have it, 26 different ways that answer the question – how to deal with Tinnitus. Practice all or at least many of the above tips and your Tinnitus will definitely at least become more manageable. And, you can tell if it is going away by watching out for these tinnitus going away signs. You can also try these stop tinnitus tricks that can give you very temporary relief that lasts just seconds to minutes.

What is Your Tinnitus Handicap Score?

Calculate your THI Score in about 2-3 Minutes


1. 2. 3.–blockage 4. 5/. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

James Morrison

I met with my Tinnitus fate after exposing my ears to the eerie howl of a World War II air raid siren. For 2 years, the bell like ringing took a toll on my mental and physical health. Stress, anxiety, fatigue, worry and sleeplessness, A vicious circle that pushed me to the brink. But, after 2 years, I was finally able to make the ringing in my ears go away. I accomplished this through a series of lifestyle changes, supplementation and a deep understanding of my Tinnitus condition. This blog is my way of reaching out to people who are struggling with the T. With very carefully researched advice, tips, news and information on all things Tinnitus, I aim to give you the information you need to help you help yourself. If you would like to make a donation to this website, however small, please contact me through the contact us page and I shall send you my PayPal details. I'll be very grateful for your donation that I will use to keep this site hosted, updated and helpful.