What does it mean when there’s a ringing in your right or left ear? Is it a cause for concern? Do you have to see a doctor or will the ringing go away on its own? Let’s explore.

Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears) in Only the Right or Left Ear – What Does It Mean?

Tinnitus is a condition that is usually bilateral or central. In other words, it usually affects both ears. When you can hear the ringing in only your right or left ear, it is called unilateral tinnitus. Unilateral tinnitus sometimes requires medical attention, as it is usually a symptom of another underlying condition.

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Below, you will learn the meaning of both ringing in your right ear and the meaning of ringing in your left ear. Learn about causes, potential treatment and possible ways to avoid this condition in the future.

Causes of Ringing in Only Your Right or Left Ears


Is the ringing in your left or right ear also accompanied by hearing loss in only one ear. You may have a acoustic neuroma or vestibular schwannoma. This is basically a benign (non-cancerous) tumor that is growing directly on the nerves that lead from your inner ear to your brain, pressing on the auditory nerve. It can cause unilateral tinnitus, hearing loss and in some cases, even dizziness and vertigo.

What causes Vestibular Schwannoma?

It is not exactly known why a vestibular schwannoma grows. But, some theories suggest that it is a genetic disorder where a chromosome responsible for controlling the growth of Schwann cells is malfunctioning. An unchecked growth of these Schwann cells then becomes a tumor or neuroma.

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The good news is that these kind of tumors are very slow growing and might even cease to grow after some time.

But, they are also hard to detect as they grow slowly. It can take months or even years for symptoms like Tinnitus to show up.

How is it diagnosed?

If you have had a ringing in your left or right ear, you must first visit an audiologist to test your hearing in that ear. If you don’t have any hearing loss, you can wait and watch for a few months, to see if the ringing is caused by one of the more temporary conditions discussed later in this post. But, if you have hearing loss, your audiologist will almost always recommend imaging tests. A gadolinium-enhanced MRI can reveal these small tumors. If the tumor is very small  and not clearly visible on an MRI, a CT may be ordered as well.

If you experience symptoms like facial numbness and also dizziness along with a ringing in only your left or right ear, it is highly recommended that you have imaging done as soon as possible, as it often means that the tumor has already grown for a while.

How is it treated?

Surgery is the most common form of treatment. A neurosurgeon will carefully remove this tumor. In recent times, non invasive radiation treatment like Gamma Knife, Proton Beam Therapy and SRT techniques have also been used to shrink these tumors, without affecting surrounding brain cells. In some cases, your ENT might just adopt a monitoring (wait and watch) approach to see if the tumor will stop growing, to then come up with an appropriate treatment plan that may or may not include surgery.

When to see a doctor?
  • You have both Tinnitus and hearing loss in only the affected ear (Left or right)
  • You must immediately see a doctor if the above symptom is also accompanied by dizziness or facial numbness.

Learn more about Acoustic Neuroma at Mayo Clinic’s website.

Meniere’s Disease

Ringing in only your right or left year could mean that you have Meniere’s disease. This is a disorder of your inner ear. If you have this condition, you will often have spells of dizziness or vertigo. A persistent feeling of fullness in your ears may also exist.

It is not known why Meniere’s disease is caused. There have been some suggestions that it is a genetic disease. This condition may get better or worse with time, with or without medical intervention.

If symptoms are troublesome, your doctor will usually prescribe medicines used to treat motion sickness. So, you might be prescribed with a drug like Meclizine which can then help you get relief both from the dizziness and also the ringing in your left or right ear.

Ear Wax Impaction

Cerumen or ear wax impaction or hardening can also cause a ringing in your left or right ear only. When the ear wax in one ear is excessive and hardened, it can begin to press against the ear drum. When left unchecked, it’s effects can progress to the middle or even inner ear as well.

If the ringing in your left or right ear is caused by ear wax, it means that it can be fairly easily eliminated, by simply having the ear wax removed. Please read this post we wrote about ear wax and Tinnitus to learn more about safe and effective removal of ear wax.

Swimmer’s Ear (Otitis Externa)

Does the ear in which you have a ringing feel painful or  tender to the touch. You could be suffering from swimmer’s ear. This is a condition where your ear canal is inflamed, with redness and maybe even swollen.

It usually occurs in people who take to the water often, thereby giving it’s name – swimmer’s ear.

This condition can get better with time, even without medical intervention. However, ENT prescribed ear drops can dramatically speed up recovery. People suffering from this condition should also try to prevent water, shampoo, soap and other liquids from entering their ears, by using ear plugs or shower caps that cover the ears.

They should also avoid scratching or inserting a finger or Q-tip to aggravate the ear canal, as the skin may be very sensitive until it heals.

Glue Ear (Otitis Media with Effusion)

This is a condition that often affects children but can affect adults too, potentially causing a ringing in the affected right or left ear only. It’s a disorder where the middle ear is affected. This is a cavity that contains your ear bones. Tinnitus caused by this condition will often be accompanied by a discharge from the ears. ENT prescribed medication is the usually prescribed treatment protocol.

Head and Neck Injuries

Sometimes, the ringing in your left or right ear could mean that you are suffering from a symptom resulting out of a neck or head injury. If the ringing in your ears started after some kind of trauma to your spine or muscles, it may be that spasmed or tense muscles are pressing on nerves that has then caused unilateral tinnitus. In such cases, a chiropractor may be able to help you with your Tinnitus and also your underlying musculoskeletal problems.

James Morrison

I met with my Tinnitus fate after exposing my ears to the eerie howl of a World War II air raid siren. For 2 years, the bell like ringing took a toll on my mental and physical health. Stress, anxiety, fatigue, worry and sleeplessness, A vicious circle that pushed me to the brink. But, after 2 years, I was finally able to make the ringing in my ears go away. I accomplished this through a series of lifestyle changes, supplementation and a deep understanding of my Tinnitus condition. This blog is my way of reaching out to people who are struggling with the T. With very carefully researched advice, tips, news and information on all things Tinnitus, I aim to give you the information you need to help you help yourself. If you would like to make a donation to this website, however small, please contact me through the contact us page and I shall send you my PayPal details. I'll be very grateful for your donation that I will use to keep this site hosted, updated and helpful.