In 2018, the Fed’s Farm Bill legalized the sale of CBD products in all 50 American States. Ever since then, the CBD  as a cure market has exploded. But, scientific research shows that CBD gummies for Tinnitus do not cure Tinnitus. Instead, they can actually cause Tinnitus or make it worse! Learn more in this post.

Why CBD Gummies for Tinnitus is a Terrible Idea?

Because Research Suggests that CBD Gummies Can Cause or Worsen Tinnitus

If you are researching CBD gummies for Tinnitus, you are probably looking for scientific studies that confirm that they work. We’ve got some bad news for you. There is zero research that confirms or even loosely supports use of CBD to treat Tinnitus.

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In fact there is research, albeit in the form of an animal study, that confirm that CBD can worsen Tinnitus in rats. There is also this study that concludes that CBD can worsen or even cause Tinnitus if you are already suffering from some form of hearing loss. So, if you have already been diagnosed with any form of hearing loss, you are inviting more trouble when it comes to trying  to do something about Tinnitus. Simply put, CBD gummies can induce Tinnitus or exacerbate it. There’s this other study that also concludes that CBD products can make Tinnitus worse.

The only sliver of information that could possibly speak in favor of CBD as a potential treatment for Tinnitus is the fact that the above mentioned study also suggested that CBD could possibly protect the cochlea against damage caused by chemotherapy and other ototoxic drugs that can cause hearing loss, and then possibly Tinnitus. But, it’s just a plausible theory that has not been researched well.

Because Sellers are Deceiving You by Trying to Make You Think Tinnitus is a “Sensory Epilepsy” Problem

Almost all sites that advocate the use of CBD gummies as a treatment for Tinnitus will say that Tinnitus is a sensory epilepsy problem. They take this angle to leverage the fact that CBD for epilepsy is the only FDA approved CBD product, a product called “Epidiolex”. But, even that FDA product only treats two very rare but aggressive types of epilepsies. Tinnitus being a “sensory epilepsy” problem is just a suggested theory (by one lone scientist) that has not been explored in detail at all. Even if it could be a sensory epilepsy problem, it will probably account for a minute % of the 50 million cases of Tinnitus that are caused by other problems that include tinnitus caused by; loud noise, hearing loss, ear wax, infections, head or neck trauma, clenched jaw problems etc.

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Because Sellers Straight Up Lie About What Gummies Can Do

Also, the FDA doesn’t regulate how CBD gummies are sold. Though they do provide guidelines and good practices for sellers and manufacturers to follow, its largely ignored or abused. Sellers use clever names like ‘No Ring’ or have people post unusually positive reviews saying that the ringing in their ears just stopped.

Go through reviews for gummies that claim to treat Tinnitus and you will even find reviews that ask you to keep trying until the entire bottle is finished.

This advice, if followed, will conveniently push you past the 60 day window in which you can return the product for a refund. Most sellers don’t even offer a refund. They make big tall claims at the top of their landing pages to then put a small disclaimer at the bottom of the page saying it may not work. And somewhere in the small print you will find that refunds aren’t allowed when you open the bottle. So, unless you are psychic and can tell if pills will work just by looking at a bottle, you are going to be down $20, $30 or even the $100 some companies charge for CBD gummies meant for Tinnitus.

Because Some CBD Products Don’t Even Have Enough CBD In Them

Sellers of CBD Gummies use misleading labeling on their products.

For example, you will see that a lot of products claim themselves to be “Full Spectrum”. Full Spectrum sounds like the real deal. But, take a closer look and you will see that they are being sold as Cannabinoids. Cannabinoids contain some CBD, but they also contain THC and several other compounds. You will find almost no products that mention CBD dosage in particular. Sellers don’t do this because the CBD dosage is either too low, or maybe not even present, or maybe unknown. By hiding under Full Spectrum cannabinoids, they can easily sell the product as a CBD product, as there is some CBD in it.

This is why the dosage you see on CBD gummy products will range anywhere between 350,000 mg to as much as 15,000,000 mg (That’s 15 million btw!)

Because You Don’t Know Where the Hemp Comes From

Like mentioned before, most CBD gummies are extracted from Hemp. Hemp in the USA is primarily grown in three states, with Colorado having the best produce. The reason is because Colorado conducts spot tests of the hemp to test for illegal pesticides. But, even if the hemp is from Colorado, there is no testing required on finished products that are bottled up in colourful jars and great looking labels.

If you are somehow still convinced about trying CBD gummies for your Tinnitus, you must at least look for sellers who can provide you with a Certificate of Analysis (COA). This is a voluntary certificate that a seller or manufacturer can issue. It will declare the exact constitution of the gummies they are selling, detailing CBD, THC, contaminants and other cannabidiol chemicals present in the gummies. Buying organic and non-GMO products is also a good idea if you are going to buy (we just don’t recommend it!) gummies to try to cure your Tinnitus.

As a bare minimum, you must at least ensure that the CBD Gummies you want to buy don’t have a THC content of more than 0.3%. THC is what gives you the high you get from marijuana. CBD products are not meant to give you a high. On a side note, the THC in marijuana and Tinnitus don’t mix well either. So, if this article managed to convince you that CBD products won’t work, please don’t go looking for THC products instead. The link given above will help you learn more.

Why Some People Claim CBD Gummies Help Then With Tinnitus?

While the above writings proves that CBD can’t do anything for your Tinnitus, they can lower your anxiety levels. They reduce anxiety and the accompanying stress by reducing your body’s ability to autonomically arouse itself.

You are calmer and less anxious. And, you get a chance to live with your Tinnitus. It may also help you sleep better.

Here are articles that can help you deal with Tinnitus stress and problems you might be having with sleeping with Tinnitus. You will find suggestions for meditation, eating a Tinnitus trigger-free diet and information about melatonin that will let you sleep better. These are much safer and more practical ways to reduce Tinnitus stress, anxiety and sleep problems.

To conclude, we would say CBD gummies for Tinnitus is a terrible idea. The same goes for CBD vape, tinctures and other forms of it. The only research that has investigated its relationship has proved that CBD can cause or worsen Tinnitus. That’s the last thing you need when you have Tinnitus.

After writing this article, we also wrote a post about Shark Tank tinnitus gummies. This is another gimmick marketers are using to try to sell you CBD gummies as a Tinnitus cure. It doesn’t work either.

James Morrison

I met with my Tinnitus fate after exposing my ears to the eerie howl of a World War II air raid siren. For 2 years, the bell like ringing took a toll on my mental and physical health. Stress, anxiety, fatigue, worry and sleeplessness, A vicious circle that pushed me to the brink. But, after 2 years, I was finally able to make the ringing in my ears go away. I accomplished this through a series of lifestyle changes, supplementation and a deep understanding of my Tinnitus condition. This blog is my way of reaching out to people who are struggling with the T. With very carefully researched advice, tips, news and information on all things Tinnitus, I aim to give you the information you need to help you help yourself. If you would like to make a donation to this website, however small, please contact me through the contact us page and I shall send you my PayPal details. I'll be very grateful for your donation that I will use to keep this site hosted, updated and helpful.